Sunday, November 17, 2013

Stand in the Light - Prayers for Prisons Week

Lord, you offer freedom to all people.
We pray for those in prison.
Break the bonds of fear and isolation that exist.
Support with your love prisoners and their families and friends,
 prison staff and all who care.
Heal those who have been wounded by the actions of others,
especially the victims of crime.
Help us to forgive one another,
to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly
together with Christ in his strength
and in his Spirit, now and every day. Amen

How do we read the Bible?

For understanding.  To get our mind round things.  Easy for that to be a focus.

Value of a verse that speaks very simply into the lie we lead.

One such verse has been chosen for Prisons Week as the theme this year.

It is a week we have supported for many years, together with Langley House.  It was in Lawrence Squires time at the beginning of the 60’s that the churches of Cheltenham had the vision to open a home to provide accommodation for ex-offenders.  And so the Knole was opened.  People from Highbury decorated a room.

Adrian Stanley was working for Langley house and built up those relationsh8ps with Katherine too.

And we have continued to support it.

Each year they provide a set of prayers for the week.

This year my eye caught those prayers and I felt they could be helpful in our focus on prisons but also for each one of us as well.

And so I want to reflect on what those prayers say to us and say to us about our concern for those in prison.

We have one particular link in a prison context – that’s good to hear from.

And that is Moffat – an update from him

Then the verse  - it comes from Malachi 4 and I want to link that with John 8:12

But for you who revere my name the sun of righteousness will arise with healing in its wings.
Malachi 4:2

I am the light of the world; those who follow me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life.

Stand in the Light

Day One For Those Who Work in Prisons

Those who are busy and weighed down with responsibility, stop, stand in the light and find
strength and rest.

This is something for each of us to take to heart.  If you have one take a look at your diary.  Look at the to do list.  Maybe you can think of things in the week past, in the week to come.   Maybe it’s not so much the busy things once done as the round of basic things that you face this week – and you would love to have the busyness back of a full diary and a full house – that in itself is a burden to carry.

Those who are busy and weighed down with responsibility, stop, stand in the light and find
strength and rest.

For all who work in prisons, and care for those who are imprisoned, it is
very easy to get sucked down into the suffering and needs of others, to be so committed to
ensuring that others have the tools they need to change and turn their lives around that they
forget their own needs. In times of stress and pressure, of financial constraint and shortage
of resources, prison staff want to make a difference but need to remember to take care of
themselves, of one another and to offer support and affirmation.

Lord, you said ‘come to me all who labour and are heavy laden’, you said ‘cast your burdens
on me and I will give you rest’, give to each of us and to all who work in prisons and carry the needs and
burdens of others, the grace, strength and courage to continue, and the rest they need for
renewal and recreation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Day Two For Those Who Are Prisoners

Those laid low, rise up, stand in the light and find your feet.

That’s something we each of us can relate to at times.   It may be you are in a time that is laid low.  You may know of someone personally.  Think of yourself.  Bring that person to mind.

Those laid low, rise up, stand in the light and find your feet.

It is so hard to get up when we feel we have dropped off not just God’s radar, but everyone else’s as well. It is hard to have faith when so many things seem to have gone wrong, when we are stuck in shame and paralysed by fear of the future. This is not all that there is; the light of God’s presence shines in the darkest place and is not and cannot be overcome.

Loving Lord you always come to meet us wherever we are. Give to each of us, those who are on our minds at the moment and to all those serving sentences in our prisons the strength to lift first their eyes and then their hearts to recognise your light. Raise us and them up to stand in your presence and serve you, set us and them free from the power of darkness, make us and them ready to start again and learn to walk in your Light. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Day Three For Victims of Crime
Those living with loss, in pain and fear, take a deep breath, look up and out, stand in the
light and find courage.

Think of moments of loss – you have experienced or those close to you.

Those living with loss, in pain and fear, take a deep breath, look up and out, stand in the
light and find courage.

Do not be afraid. Jesus said, “I am with you always to the end of time”. Seek healing for the past, invite Him into your present and future, and take hold of his promise to accompany you on your journey into survival.

Lord Jesus, you gathered around you friends and disciples and empowered them with the
Holy Spirit to face ridicule and disbelief, danger and death, yet still to persevere. We pray
for the victims of crime, for all who have suffered loss, pain or injustice. Fill them with that
same Spirit to confront the challenges in their lives, to witness to your healing power with
strength and confidence. Build up their trust in you so that they can manage their fears and,
relying on your grace and strength, continue their journey onward into the Light. In your
name. Amen.

Day Four For Those Who Work in The Criminal Justice System

Those carrying heavy burdens of responsibility, lay them down awhile, stand in the light and
find rest and peace.

Think of responsibilities we have – responsibilities at work, towards others, to family, to ourselves.  Weight of responsibilities

Those carrying heavy burdens of responsibility, lay them down awhile, stand in the light and
find rest and peace

Those of us who daily have difficult and life-changing decisions and judgements to make can be overwhelmed by the weight they carry and by the anxiety of making mistakes. Take courage from the example of Jesus who trusted in God to hold Him still, through arrest and injustice, to death and Resurrection. Stand firm in the knowledge that He brings light out of darkness and He will lead us into that Light.

Loving God, whose will for your people is to bring justice and mercy to all the earth, be
present with all who work in the criminal justice system. Enlighten their understanding and
inform their judgements. Give to them the grace of discernment, that they may seek your will
in all things and work always for the common good. Keep them firm in their commitment
to exercise authority and responsibility impartially, in the knowledge that all power comes
from you and that you will provide the strength needed for the journey onwards. Shine your
light into all the difficult situations that they face and the judgements that they make, that
justice and mercy might truly reign in all the earth. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Day Five For The Families

Those who are hurting, lift your heads, stand in the light and find healing.

Think of those who are hurting – in our own context, further afield – victims of war

Those who are hurting, lift your heads, stand in the light and find healing.

 It is hard to be the parent, friend or partner of someone convicted of serious wrongdoing, caught up in darkness and pain that are not of your making, to be held responsible for the actions of
others, whose misdeeds over which you have no control. How might we have failed them?
How can we help them to grow and to make amends? It is hard too, to walk alongside loved
ones who have been the victims of others, those who are in desperate need of healing and
wholeness. Confronted in so many different ways by the pain of evil and the desire for light
and healing, we need God’s grace and strength to make the first move, to lift our heads and
see the light, the hope for the future.

O God, your hands are strong to save us and swift to bless. Bring wholeness and healing
to the families of all victims or perpetrators of crime. Give to them the gifts of grace and
strength that they might stand in your light and grow towards a better future; support their
loved ones and show the fruits of repentance in changed lives, lived for your glory and the
good of others. Lord, in your name we pray. Amen.

Day Six For Our Communities

Those who can make a difference, join together. Link your arms you people, link your hearts;
stand in the light and find strength.

Making a difference in our world

Those who can make a difference, join together. Link your arms you people, link your hearts;
stand in the light and find strength.

Often it is hard to believe that we can make a difference,
but as drips of water wear away stones, as waves change coastlines, as seeds become grain
and fruits, so we have God’s grace and strength when we join hearts, minds and hands, and
work together, standing in His light and doing His will to build community. We are designed
to live and grow together in order to flourish, to tend and restore to wholeness those who
are the victims of others, and to welcome back those who have been outcast and punished
and need support to build new lives.

Loving God, you call us into fellowship with you and with one another. Shine your light into
our lives and our communities, fill us with your love and send your Holy Spirit so that we
may be tireless in working to build up our communities into places of safety and creativity.
By ourselves we may be weak, but in your light and with the Spirit’s power we can have faith
and hope that the future can be different, lives transformed and your will be done. Hear our
prayer for the sake of Jesus our Lord. Amen

Let’s remember that wider world.

Stand in the light.

Sense of the light of Christ’s presence

And do our part too.

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